Your credit score and report with us are generated by Equifax (one of two major Canadian credit bureaus). There are three reasons why Equifax may have a 0 score for you:
1. You don't have any open credit tradelines/accounts (phone and internet bills are not credit tradelines).
If you don't have any open accounts, there may not be enough information on your credit report for Equifax to generate a credit score for you. To start seeing a score, you will need to wait until your report has at least one active account that isn't a phone, internet, cable, utility bill, etc. before a score can be generated.
In this case, it is still beneficial to monitor your credit report to keep an eye out for any unauthorized credit inquiries/checks that weren't done by you. This way, when you are ready to apply for credit, there is no fraudulent activity or errors keeping you from getting the best offer you can qualify for.
2. You have open credit tradelines/accounts but you're not seeing them on your credit report with us (Duplicate Files issue).
If you do have open credit tradelines/accounts but don't see them on your credit report, it is possible that Equifax may have more than one file created for you in their database. Please sign in to your Borrowell account and go to your credit report to review the information on file. If you notice there are accounts missing, please contact Equifax at 1-866-828-5961 to inquire where your missing accounts are and whether they're on a different file that needs to be merged by the bureau. Once your files have been merged by Equifax, you should be able to see your actual credit score and full credit report on your next credit update with us.
3. You have open credit tradelines/accounts but the account has not been used in over 6 months.
If you do have an open account on your credit report but there has been no activity reported on it for more than 6 months, Equifax will consider your file inactive and display a 0 score. Once you start using that credit card or line of credit again, you should start seeing a credit score again.
To check the last activity date on an account, go to your credit report and review the "Last Activity" date noted under the account details on your profile.
If this date is incorrect and you have been using credit on this account, we suggest contacting the creditor for more information. This is the information the creditor is reporting to Equifax.