If you previously had a credit score but now see a score of zero, you may have multiple credit files with Equifax. This situation can occur when separate files are created with slightly different personal information, such as variations in your name, address, or date of birth.
Why This Happens
Multiple credit files can lead to incomplete information being displayed in your Borrowell account, resulting in a sudden change to a zero score.
How to Resolve the Issue
- Contact Equifax directly: Call Equifax at 1-866-828-5961.
- Verify multiple files: Ask them to confirm if you have multiple credit files.
- Request file merger: If multiple files exist, ask for instructions on how to merge them.
What to Expect After Merging
Once your files are merged, your complete and updated credit information should appear in your next Borrowell credit update. Please note that this process may take some time, as Borrowell receives periodic updates from Equifax.
Important Note
Borrowell cannot modify your credit files or scores directly, as we receive this information from Equifax. Contacting Equifax is the most effective way to resolve this issue and ensure your credit information is accurately consolidated.
By following these steps, you should be able to restore visibility to your complete credit profile and credit score.